Wednesday, August 29, 2012


The process will be distributed into four stages.
  • Finding the location
  • Gathering the artists and musicians
  • Promoting the charity
  • Attracting an audience 
"Observational research involves gathering primary data by observing relevant people, actions, and situations. Researchers often observe consumer behavior to glean customer insights they can’t obtain by simply asking customers questions." - (Armstrong & Kotler (2001) Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. pg. 110). I've conducted observational research by noticing that the best place to hold the event is at a common place where lots of locals gather. A place that is notorious for foot-traffic. My charity event will be hosted at a downtown bar. To ensure consumer satisfaction, I've shared thoughts and asked potential attendees if they agree with the setting and location. People have agreed so far.

My goal is to gather talented artists of all genres of music that will comply with the mission statement of my charity. The purpose of approaching the musicians this way is to benefit from promoting their music along with my company to acquire a local buzz. "...Each relationship is based on … shared efforts aimed at promoting growth and mutual profits that make it possible for suppliers to invest, innovate, and compete.”" - (Armstrong & Kotler (2001) Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. pg. 48).

I will be promoting my charity in numerous ways. First, I'll create an audio commercial that will hopefully get some air time at local radio stations. Then, I will record and edit a video ad that will market my charity through YouTube. Lastly, I will keep updating and advertizing the charity in my blog and other social media. I will attract consumers through one of the fastest and most widely used forms of communication used by my demographic target audience...the internet. "...77 percent of Millennials frequent social networking sites and 71 percent use instant messaging. “All generations are comfortable with technology, but this is the generation that’s been formed by technology,”" - (Armstrong & Kotler (2001) Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. pg. 74).

Practicing these strategies as I market my charity will ensure an audience. I can guarantee a decent audience simply by spreading the word of my charity at work. With a company as large as Zappos, I am sure to bring in at least thirty attendees. In addition, I can rely on some the performer's acquaintances attending the charity as well.

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